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photo weather

photo weather


Phowi is the first app , available for Windows 10 universal, for Smartphone, Tablet e PC to transfer your photos with weather information and geographical position. In order to use phowi you must have an internet connection.With phowi you can take pictures, choose a graphic template and publish your photos on Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc. send via email or share it with Skydrive. The photos do not necessarily have to be taken by the cam, but they can also be loaded from camera roll of your virtual device.You can also save your custom photo on the images folder of your device.In the settings you can customize some of the data as the unit of measurement for temperature , type of weather icon.The graphical interface is very simple and intuitive.

  • Share your photos with weather information in Facebook, Twitter and Skydrive

  • Save your photos with weather information in tour device

  • Send your photos via mail

  • Choose a graphic template, meteo icons and more

  • Use your cam or your photos stored in your device


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